Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Helping people of all faiths eliminate the emotional and spiritual chains preventing them from living in peace


Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Helping people of all faiths eliminate the emotional and spiritual chains preventing them from living in peace


Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Helping people of all faiths eliminate the emotional and spiritual chains preventing them from living in peace


Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Welcome to Burst Through  Ministries

Helping people of all faiths eliminate the emotional and spiritual chains preventing them from living in peace



Burst Through Ministries helps restore hearts and lives by destroying emotional and spiritual strongholds in the love, power and authority of Jesus. 


We are a transfaith organization that works with people of all beliefs.

Dr. Pamela Reilly, 



"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and rescued them from their destruction."

                             Psalm 107:19-29

Sometimes our emotional baggage can become a "destruction" that weighs us down and prevents us from living in peace and joy. God desires to lift each of us out of our pit and set us free to live a full life.

Whether your pit is despair, depression, shame, feelings of unworthiness, or anything else, we would love to work with you. We offer one on one restoration sessions.

'We will soon offer books and training to allow you to use our tools on yourself, family and friends.

Our prayer is that God will richly bless you and fill you with His peace as you seek to live a vibrant life.

Please use the link below to schedule a session with Dr. Pamela and find the peace and joy you seek.
