About Lieutenant Clint Lorance

Clint Allen Lorance was born on December 13, 1984 to welder Tracy Allen Lorance and homemaker Anna Monroe Lorance in Hobart, Oklahoma. Clint has 2 older sisters, homemaker Deanna Lorance Malone (35)
and avid Pentecostal missionary/minister Jeni Lorance Neeley (31). Clint's younger brother, Cody (26), followed in his father's footsteps and is a recently married welder and a new father
of a baby girl.
Clint has always been considered a 'twin" because of his cousin Jamie, who he has always been very close with growing up and are the same age. When Clint went off to the Army, Jamie began to
work at the local Sheriff's department as a Corrections Officer where she met her now husband Greg, a Deputy Sheriff.
During high school, Clint worked 3 jobs simultaneously to try and help cover household expenses as well as prepare for moving out on his own when he was 18. Clint stayed active in the local Future Farmers
of America chapter and was fortunate enough to have some steadfast and headstrong mentors; the local VP of the bank, the Ag Ed teacher, and a Police Officer. Clint was a Police Explorer throughout
High School as well. He began to make the relationships that would shape the onset of his adulthood.
Overwhelmed by the workload, Clint dropped out of high school in February of 2002 to concentrate on preparing for his independence.
6 months later, Clint and Jamie, side by side, started classes at the local community college. After one semester, as the country prepared for an impending invasion into Iraq, Clint decided it was time
to pitch in and do what he could to help a country preparing to shoulder two wars simultaneously.
On December 13, 2002, Clint's 18th birthday, he walked into the Army recruiting station in Greenville, Texas and joined the Army as a Military Policeman. On April 15, 2003, Clint shipped
off to Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO where he spent 17 weeks learning how to be an Army MP.
Upon graduating from Basic Training and AIT, Clint spent a few weeks at home with his family and then shipped off to his first duty assignment in Pusan, South Korea.

During his assignment in Korea, Clint was very active, earning several accolades from Soldier of the Month to NCO of the Quarter for the 8th MP Brigade. Clint participated in numerous athletic
events to include half marathons, Iron Soldier competitions, the 8th Army 10 Miler an the Bataan Memorial Death March in White Sands, NM. Clint was quickly promoted above his peers to
Sergeant in just two years of service. He served the community as a Gunner, Driver, Team Leader, Squad Leader, Traffic Accident Investigator and D.A.R.E. School Resource Officer.
On 10 SEP 05, Clint left Korea bound for his next duty station in Fort Richardson, AK, stopping briefly at Fort Benning, GA to earn his Airborne Wings.
As part of the 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team In Alaska, Clint deployed for his first deployment to Iraq from September 2006 to November 2007 , initially a 12 month deployment which turned
into a 15 month deployment.
Prior to this deployment, Clint earned his Thai Jump Wings by participating in Operation Cobra Gold. The then 21 year old Sergeant took a squad of 11 MPs to Thailand in Support of the Brigade's mission
Upon returning from Iraq, Clint served as the Brigade Provost Sergeant until he was accepted into the Army ROTC program at the University of North Texas.
In July 2008, Clint left Alaska bound for Texas to train to become a Commissioned Officer. Clint was active in the American Red Cross Denton Chapter and the Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity while studying
and participating in Army ROTC.
On May 15, 2010, Clint became the first person in his family to graduate with a college degree, and subsequently commissioned as a 2LT in the Infantry of the Army, and proceeded to Fort Benning, GA to
attend Infantry Basic Officer Leader's Course.
Clint was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division's 4th BCT and deployed to Afghanistan in March 2012 to Southern Afghanistan. During his deployment, Clint was the squadron's liason
officer to the commander until selected to become a platoon leader.
On 02 JUL 12 while conducting an Afghan-Led dismounted patrol into an afghan village, the Afghan Army element on the joint patrol began to engage what they thought were Taliban. Worried that the Afghan
Soldiers are poor marksmen and would likely cause collateral damage, Clint ordered his gun truck to fire two precision shots at the Taliban. As the platoon moved through the village, the intelligence
analysts intercepted several radio transmissions indicating the Taliban could see the Platoon in plain view. There was an existential enemy threat in the area. From the beginning of the patrol, US
helicopters were radioing LT Lorance's patrol indicating confirmed enemy activity in the area, the description of the enemy matched exactly the enemy combatants the patrol initially engaged with
the two precision shots. A few moments Later in the patrol in the same village, Clints Soldiers captured one Afghan on a motorcycle who was later confirmed as a Taliban.
Later the same day, Clint was put on suspension, his weapon was taken away and he was told nothing for the next 5 days. Finally, he was taken to the Brigade HQ and still at this point hadn't been
told what was going on.
Clint was sent to Kandahar for the next 2 months where he sat idle without a weapon for the remainder of the deployment. Upon returning to Fort Bragg on Sep 23, 2012, Clint was reassigned to administrative
duties at the BCT HQ.
On Tuesday, 15 JAN 13, Clint was charged.
Prior to this incident, Clint planned on serving his country for 10 more years, retiring from the Army and attending law school. Clint's dream is to work in a district attorney's office as an
associate prosecutor.